Synergy (Energy) Healing

Have you always felt like you were different?  Have you been teased or called over-sensitive? Likely you have noticed that you seem to respond to things differently than others and this confuses you.  Perhaps you can feel the pain or experience of others.  You have a sense when someone or something is not as it seems.  You may notice strange feelings or physical sensations in your body and wonder what they mean.  You might have strange rememberings, premonitions, seeing flashes of things, hearing things when you are alone  If you are reading this, you are here because you are searching the internet and seeking knowledge, understanding and growth.

We are all intuitive by nature. All of us.  There are some who deeply align with their sense of knowing from birth, while others may become more acquainted with their inner voice through time and life teachings. The specifics of that journey are irrelevant as we strive towards becoming the most authentic versions of ourselves possible.

Synergy is an exciting collaborative and co-creative process that channels and develops your intuitive abilities.  It addresses the dynamic interplay between the mind, body and spirit.  The focus is on the healing and integration of all aspects of yourself into a greater ‘higher self’. Thus, our work together can accelerate the expansion of your already existent intuitive skills.

Advancement in intuitive abilities is often preceded by great emotional discomfort, fatigue, active dreaming, sensing, and various somatic complaints.   It can feel overwhelming and confusing at times, and may be further prolonged by long standing emotional or cognitive patterning we hold.  Thus, our work may emphasize releasing pain and emotions from your past history, overcoming fears and barriers to your life purpose, protection from and resolution of negative attachments, and progression of your intuitive energy practices.


Areas of Specialty

  • Intuitive coaching, resourcing and development
  • Energy healing and balancing
  • Alignment with life purpose and fulfillment
  • Spiritual expansion and progression
  • Atunement with Source and/or core inner being
  • Cleansing and release of karmic trauma and emotionality
  • Identifying and resolving emotional barriers and patterns
  • Spiritual awakening and integration of self
  • Restoring inner peace and knowing
  • Inner Child Work
  • Synchronicity and Law of Attraction
  • Past Life Regression and re-integration

I do not offer readings. I am a Master Level Reiki Practitioner and am a proponent of Energy Psychology. My passion and focus is on assisting others in their spiritual journey and various stages of awakening.  Synergy is a healing process that aids you in cultivating your own intrinsic gifts, in magnetizing yourself to your life purpose, and in shifting from a state of surviving to thriving.